Why modern decision-making tools are failing you—and what a 3,000-year-old method can do to help you…

Ancient Secrets, Modern Solutions: Let History's Wisest Minds Guide You!

What if everything you knew about decision-making is wrong?

Every day, we face numerous decisions that shape our lives.

Whether it’s navigating complex business challenges, making personal choices, career choices, planning your future, personal relationships, family matters, or financial investments, the ability to make the right decision determines your success and happiness.

  • Are you facing a tough decision in business and unsure which path to choose?

  • Are you facing a personal dilemma that requires deeper insight?

  • Are you unsure if you've made the right business decision?

  • Are you at a crossroads and unsure which path to choose?

  • Are you experiencing emotional conflicts that need resolution?

  • Do you need insights on how to strengthen your relationships with your colleagues, business partners, or personal relations?

  • Do you feel disconnected from your professional goals and need help realigning?

  • Are you uncertain about how to handle conflicts in your relationships effectively?

  • Is your peak performance, whether in sport, professionally or personally, inhibited in some way?

But What If There Was A Way To Confidently Make These Decisions, Knowing That The Outcome Would Be Favorable 95% Of The Time?

What if avoiding a lifetime of regret from bad decisions was as simple as asking the right question?

What IF a 3,000-year-old method could make your toughest decisions foolproof?

This isn't fantasy—it's a reality.

For over 3,000 years, since the Zhou dynasty, this time-tested technique has empowered countless individuals to lead more successful, efficient, and fulfilling lives.

The Ancient Chinese call it “I Ching” also known as the “Book of Changes”

Kind of like a wise old friend who gives advice when you're unsure about something. Imagine having this wise old friend, seasoned through millennia, who offers guidance whenever you face uncertainty.

This technique, developed over 3,000 years ago in ancient China, was once the secret tool of kings and sages, crafted to steer crucial decisions.

Through the ages, scholars and philosophers have enriched this method, compiling a treasure trove of wisdom that, while profound, can be intricate and dense.

Navigating this vast source of knowledge requires an expert who can tailor its insights to your specific challenges, ensuring that the ancient wisdom directly addresses your modern needs.

Getting personalized answers from an expert in the I Ching is challenging due to the rarity of true mastery. Only a few globally can adeptly navigate its complex symbols and interpret its profound wisdom into actionable guidance.

Don’t make another decision until you’ve tapped into this ancient Chinese technique…

It's rare to find an I Ching expert, but once you do, getting personalized answers from an I Ching practitioner is easy and straightforward.

How the process works:

First, you bring a question or issue that needs clarity

—whether it's a significant life decision, a career transition, relationship concerns, or another complex challenge.

The expert then employs a time-honored technique to refine your question, aiming to reveal insights that guide you toward the best course of action.

For example, if you're considering a new job but are uncertain if it's the right step, the expert will help illuminate the path forward.

You can ask the question:

"Should I take this new job?"

Then, the expert helps you craft your query to maximize the precision of the insights obtained.

For instance, by asking, "What are the potential outcomes of accepting this new job?" the expert can delve into the Book of Changes, posing targeted questions that reflect your specific situation. While the insights and guidance received will be extremely comprehensive and detailed, part of it might suggest, “Proceed with caution, but the opportunity will bring growth.”

The advice given will provide you with clarity enabling you to balance the advantages and disadvantages thoughtfully and proceed with far greater confidence.

Voilà! You are equipped with solid guidance drawn from thousands of years of philosophical wisdom.

Navigating life's challenging decisions can be daunting, which is why turning to the I Ching is invaluable. My personal experiences underscore the profound impact the I Ching has on decision-making and personal development, serving as a testament to its enduring relevance and effectiveness.

David Mark Quigley

Hi, my name is

Overcoming challenges has always been a defining part of my life.

I grew up with severe dyslexia, a condition that made reading and writing incredibly difficult. But I was determined to turn this obstacle into a strength.

In the 1980s, after spending several years abroad, I returned to New Zealand with a mission. I decided to confront my dyslexia head-on. By 1990, I had earned a Diploma in Clinical Hypnotherapy and established my Peak Performance consultancy. After working with hundreds of clients throughout my consultancy, I discovered the limitless potential of the subconscious mind

This discovery prompted me to write my first two books, “Scars of the Leopard” and “White Gold, ” which became best-selling books.

But in 2010, my life took a dark, unexpected turn.

I had an accident that left me bedridden for six months.

During this dark period, I sought answers to my problems and was drawn to the I Ching, the Book of Change.

As I researched & studied this technique even more, I found a way to implement the techniques that made me recover very, very fast.

This journey with the I Ching not only helped me heal but also propelled me to establish and run New Zealand's largest asbestos consultancy for more than 10 years.

As a serial entrepreneur and peak performer, I rely heavily on my intuition and the I Ching.

For the past 14 years, it has been a cornerstone of my existence, guiding me through personal, professional, and real-world challenges.

The I Ching empowers me to answer any question posed to it, directing me and those who seek my guidance toward clarity and success.

My experiences prompted me to create my Oracular Consultancy to offer others the same guidance that changed my life.

Whether you're facing a personal dilemma or a professional challenge, the I Ching can provide the clarity and direction you need to confidently navigate life's challenges.

Today, I'm a #1 bestselling author and a peak performance consultant, and
my story is a testament to the power of the I Ching and the brain's amazing ability to adapt and reorganize itself.

I’m also not the only one who’s a testimony to how effective this Ancient Chinese technique is.

Here are stories of my clients whose lives have changed due to this ancient technique:

There are many more testimonials where these came from and you could be among them.

You could be among those happy people who have finally found fulfillment in life by utilizing this guidance to permanently solve their problems.

Imagine your life where 95% of your decisions are guaranteed to succeed.

Introducing my Oracular Wisdom
Consultancy Program

It is a private consultation where you can receive personalized guidance from the I Ching to always win in life.

It’s the best way for you to get started with this.

I offer these 3 packages depending on your needs. To get started on any package, click one of the buttons below.

Enhanced Insight
Wisdom (Email)


Consultation Fee Includes:

Receive a comprehensive written analysis of your current situation and future potential, meticulously crafted from the profound insights of the I Ching. This personalized report, delivered directly to your email, includes a detailed exploration of your circumstances and what lies ahead.

Accompanying the written analysis is an insightful audio narrative, where I delve deeper into your future possibilities and uncover the underlying influences shaping your path. This thorough presentation offers deeper clarity and guidance, helping you navigate forward with confidence.

Immersive Wisdom: Live Call (Zoom Call)


Consultation Fee Includes:

For a truly personalized I Ching consultation, David Mark Quigley offers the Immersive Wisdom Consultation.

This service includes:

  • An Initial Clarification Call: Before diving into the depths of the I Ching, engage in an initial 5-10 minute Zoom call to precisely define your question. This ensures that your consultation is accurately tailored to address your specific concerns. During this call, we’ll also schedule a live exploratory session for your detailed final report, setting you up for a comprehensive understanding of the insights to come.

  • Enhanced Insight Report: Experience a dynamic, custom-made report that delves into the specifics of your I Ching reading, providing clear insights into your current situation, future potential, and the deeper, often unseen influences at play.

  • Live Exploration Session: The audio report will be recorded during this session, as you join me for a live 15 to 30-minute Zoom conference call. This session allows you to engage directly with me, where I will expand on the I Ching’s insights and explore additional layers of your reading. It’s an ideal time to ask any questions and clarify details, ensuring that you gain the fullest understanding and actionable guidance from your consultation.



(***This is normally only offered with the Comprehensive Illuminated Wisdom!)

Comprehensive Illuminated Wisdom (Zoom Call)


Consultation Fee Includes:

For unmatched clarity and precision in your I Ching consultation, David Mark Quigley offers a comprehensive service that begins with an initial 5-10 minute Zoom call. This critical discussion helps define the exact nature of your question, customizing the session to address your specific concerns effectively.

During this call, we will also schedule a follow-up meeting to go over the detailed final report, empowering you to make well-informed decisions that can profoundly impact your personal and professional life.

This premier consultation includes the full Immersive Wisdom Report, enriched by a video conference call where Mark will extensively discuss the underlying influences and hidden meanings of your reading. This immersive and enlightening experience is designed to delve deep into the intricacies of your specific situation, enabling you to fully harness the I Ching’s ancient wisdom.

The consultation covers a comprehensive summary and three distinct readings: current conditions, future potential, and hidden meanings & underlying influences, ensuring a comprehensive understanding of each aspect.


A lot more people are also seeing this offer at the same time as you and I
can only work with a small number of people per interval

Frequently Asked Questions

  • This service provides you with a "Done For You" (DFY) approach. You'll receive personalized, comprehensive analyses directly from an expert, without needing to learn the intricacies of the I Ching yourself. Each analysis is tailored specifically to your situation, offering detailed insights and guidance to help you navigate your decisions with clarity and confidence.

  • The initial consultation call will be 15 minutes maximum, with the report session being up to 30 minutes.

  • During the initial consultation, David Mark Quigley will gather essential background information and help you refine your question to ensure the I Ching reading is as precise and relevant as possible. After this conversation, David will conduct the I Ching consultation and prepare a detailed written report focused on your current situation, future potential, and any underlying influences related to your specific inquiry.

    In the follow-up session, which will be recorded for your convenience, David will review the insights revealed about your current circumstances, future prospects, and any underlying issues. This discussion will be based on the insights and answers provided by the I Ching to your question.

    After the session, you will receive the comprehensive written report along with the audio recording of the session, where David Mark Quigley presents the I Ching findings. This package ensures you have a thorough understanding of the guidance offered and a reference to revisit as you move forward.

  • No, there is no guarantee, as David Mark Quigley provides insights and guidance based on how the I Ching has responded to their question. He does not have control over whether clients choose to act on the insights or advice provided during the session.

  • The I Ching, or the Book of Change, is steeped in ancient wisdom. It seeks to gain balance between the initiating, creative energies of the universe, their supportive responding energies, and human action. Based on the question asked, it offers wisdom and insight into how to achieve balance between these three, and how to secure good-fortune and avoid misfortune during our current situation and its future potential. While we have free will to accept or reject this advice, the guidance provided will always reflect the truth of your situation.

  • David (Mark) Quigley is a qualified professional and every session is completely private between the client and him.

  • Throughout the years in my clinical hypnotherapy and peak performance consultancy, I have learned of the incredible power of the subconscious mind and our interconnectedness. There are forces and energy at play that enable us to receive answers to our most pressing questions and concerns. If we can articulate a question, we already have the knowledge to have it answered. As such, through the wisdom of the I Ching, you will receive answers to your most pressing concerns. The manner in which a question is asked does not matter; what is important to you at the time of asking will be answered accurately.

  • Yes, depending on the consultation and subsequent report purchased, I provide guidance based on the background surrounding the question you wish to ask during your initial consultation call. Otherwise, detailed instructions on how to formulate a question are available on the “Question Submission” page on this website.

  • The I Ching, compiled over 3,000 years ago during the Zhou Dynasty, is not a religious text. It focuses on virtue, moral, and philosophical dimensions, offering fundamental principles that integrate insights and wisdom on ideological views, ethical philosophies, and social principles for daily life.

    While it may use the terms heaven and earth, its classical interpretation of heaven encompasses the initiating, creative forces or energies of the universe, with earth's being interpreted as the responsive, supportive ones. The I Ching seeks to balance these with human action, illustrating how we interact with our world and current situation.

    This may be complementary to, but as a classical ancient text, is far removed from religious dogma or contemporary teachings and ideologies a lot of us were raised with.

  • To gain accurate and insightful wisdom, please ask only one simple, concise question at a time. If you have multiple questions, they need to be addressed separately.

  • Yes, you may ask as many questions as you like. However, each question should be asked one at a time, as each requires a separate guidance session requiring specific deliberation and independent analysis. Additionally, depending on which is chosen, each consultation and subsequent report involves three assessments: the current situation, its future potential, and its underlying influence or hidden meaning. Essentially, you receive three reports in one. If you have multiple questions, they should be addressed separately, with a discount offered for subsequent questions.

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