I Ching for the Modern World

“This case study specifically focuses on how I consulted and used the I Ching to set up and ultimately run, for a 10-year period, what would turn into the largest asbestos consultancy in New Zealand.”

Context and Background

In 2011, I suffered a horrific accident resulting in shattered bones, ruptured tendons, and significant head trauma after a fall from a roof. During my six-months of convalescence and the intensive rehabilitation that followed, I faced severe depression, incredible financial strain, and profound self-doubt. Reflecting on my past experiences as a peak performance consultant, I sought answers to pressing life questions and found guidance in the wisdom of the ancient classic, the I Ching, the Book of Change.

During my recovery, I immersed myself in the I Ching, mastering its ancient knowledge to facilitate my physical recovery and establish a lasting legacy for myself and my family. My lifelong struggle with severe dyslexia has always directed me towards practical, real-world solutions for peak performance, rather than esoteric or new age philosophies. As a serial entrepreneur, bestselling author, and committed peak performer, I value practical tools that yield results, and for me the I Ching has definitely proven to be one of them.

Before I closed the operation down in 2022, ICP Asbestos Consultants Ltd would conduct over 200,000 asbestos samples and compile thousands of Asbestos Surveys and Reports.

Here, I detail how I applied the ancient wisdom of the I Ching and my understanding of it, to modern, practical challenges, demonstrating its value as a tool for oracular wisdom in today's world.

The Initial Consultation

While I have consistently consulted the I Ching over the last 14-years, my journey began with a simple question and its initial consultation.

The essence of my question was “What is the ideal direction of my life?” And the reason why I use the wording “essence of my question” is because I asked it in multiple ways, as initially I never understood, or perhaps didn’t want to understand the answer.

No matter how many times I consulted the I Ching this was
the answer:

Turning Back Symbol (Hexagram):

  • Earth Above (Name of the Upper/Outer Trigram)

  • Thunder Below (Name of the Lower/Inner Trigram)

And the initial consultation offered no change in situation or future potential. Basically, if I wanted the truth of my current situation my answer was: Turning Back.

But What Does All
This Mean?

Turning Back, literally means “to go around and begin again”. With the host of the hexagram, or its essence, being the first line, that represents the beginning of any incident, or in my case an accident. There was obviously a lot more to the consultation and its interpretation, but simply put, my answer was to return to New Zealand.

I remember visiting a friend in his office and breaking down crying in front of him, I was incredibly distraught not wanting to accept what I had been given. I was very settled in Florida, and I just didn’t want to go back to New Zealand; I had demons back there that I didn’t want to face. But that’s another story.

By this stage, I had asked the question so many times, with the same answer always being thrown back, that I either had to ignore or act on it.

So, literally, with $1,000.00 in hand I returned to the country of
my birth.

Ongoing Consultations – Creating a Legacy

Within a few short months of returning to New Zealand, I had paid off all my debts incurred from my accident and began what would turn into an incredible legacy.

After I accepted that initial consultation, I can still vividly remember the next one I undertook. The question I posed was “I would like some insight into our new venture in New Zealand”.

The answer was:

Great Accumulation Symbol (Hexagram):

  • Mountain Above (Name of the Upper/Outer Trigram)

  • Heaven Below (Name of the Lower/Inner Trigram)

    But this time the consultation did give me a change in potential situation or its Future Potential. The Yin line in the fourth place would change to a Yang line, changing over time from Great Accumulation to:

Great Harvest

With the Hidden Influence being:

Marrying Maiden

But again, what does all this mean? Great Accumulation and its future potential, Great Harvest are reasonably self-explanatory, with them both being complimented with the host of the hexagram, or its essence, and that being the top Yang line, that signifies “One stores up energy to release it and accumulate wealth to do something important.”

But what was even more significant was the Hidden Influence or Key to the outcome of the consultation and our venture in New Zealand, and that being Marrying Maiden.

In the original ancient text, Marrying Maiden originally meant “marrying a maiden too her husband's house”, with the symbol taking the image of a marriage to show the human relationship between a couple. It literally meant, while I was critical to the success of our venture, so was my wife. From the very beginning, while I oversaw the growth and day-to-day affairs, with a solid team in New Zealand, we kept all invoicing, accounts payable, accounts receivable, payroll and all finances controlled by my wife back in Florida. And I believe it was this that allowed the consultation and our venture itself to successfully run its course.

Ongoing Guidance

Our asbestos consultancy was based in Christchurch, the main city on New Zealand's South Island. In 2011 and 2012, two major earthquakes devastated the city, reducing most of the central business district to rubble and damaging 85% of residential homes. At that time Christchurch had an approximate population of 366,000, with 140,000 residential dwellings. The New Zealand government and its Earthquake Commission initiated the city's rebuild, appointing the country's largest builder as the project manager. To expedite the process, they hired quantity surveyors, primarily from Ireland, to set standardized pricing for most repair activities. However, due to the specialized and restricted nature of our work—assessing, sampling, and removing asbestos—we had to undergo a rigorous price tendering process. Initially, I secured the highest tendered prices among asbestos contractors, leading the quantity surveyors to frequently pressure me to lower my prices.

On three separate occasions, I was summoned to the project manager’s central office to re-tender. Before each meeting, I consulted the I Ching. By adhering to its guidance, my prices were actually increased on all three occasions. This demonstrates how the ancient wisdom of the I Ching can be applied to contemporary challenges.

The I Ching teaches that everything is in a state of change, with change as the only constant. It emphasizes balance, advising how to enhance favorable outcomes and avoid unfavorable ones. This principle guided my use of the I Ching.

While back in New Zealand and even today, I didn't rely on the I Ching for every business decision. Common sense often prevailed. However, I used the I Ching as a strategic tool, bringing it out of my entrepreneurial toolkit when warranted.


The I Ching not only aided my recovery from a severe accident but also helped me gain direction and establish a thriving business in New Zealand while still residing in Florida. It provided support in business negotiations and unique opportunities that come, perhaps, once in a lifetime.

Living in the modern world, I have discovered that the I Ching, an ancient text written 3000 years ago, remains highly relevant to human nature and contemporary life. I regularly consult this tool for guidance on everyday challenges and complex situations. Both my clients and I gain significant insights from its consistent use.

If you are facing challenges or seeking answers, please reach out. I know you will be impressed with the insights and solutions you receive.

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