
David Mark Quigley, a best-selling author and esteemed I Ching practitioner, resides in Naples, Florida, and originally hails from the rugged landscapes of New Zealand. His journey from overcoming severe dyslexia to achieving global recognition in literature highlights his profound resilience and dedication.

As the author of the gripping African Series, which includes titles such as "Scars of the Leopard," "The Last Rhino," "White Gold," "African Lion," and "The Last Scales," Quigley crafts thrilling adventures that also emphasize critical wildlife conservation issues. His novels are celebrated for their compelling storytelling and rich, authentic details, drawing extensively from his adventures across Europe, Australia, and Africa. A significant portion of the sales from his books supports the Quigley Wildlife Foundation, which contributes to various wildlife conservation efforts, resonating deeply with readers worldwide.

Beyond his literary success, Quigley is a skilled I Ching practitioner who integrates this ancient knowledge into his peak performance consultancy. His unique approach not only helps clients achieve profound insights and breakthroughs in their professional lives but also guides them in making the right decisions in their personal and career development.

David Mark Quigley's multifaceted career exemplifies his role as a modern-day Renaissance man, whose work not only entertains but also empowers and educates. His dedication to both his craft and his clients showcases the power of blending historical wisdom with contemporary practice, inspiring a broad audience ranging from avid readers to top-tier professionals seeking to elevate their careers.

With your purchase of any of my books you are seamlessly donating to a worthy cause, as a portion of all proceeds for my books goes to Wildlife Preservation. Thank you for your part in protecting wildlife! Click here to find out more about the Quigley Wildlife Foundation